Wednesday, March 27, 2024

We had a small group that braved the rain and managed to get 9 holes in on Tuesday and then have lunch together.  Way to stick it out Ladies!

Sunday, March 24, 2024

 Handicap Tournament 

June 18-19 (Tuesday-Wednesday)   

CLGA Championship
October 14-15 (Monday-Tuesday)    

Saturday, March 23, 2024

 Come join us!!

Attached is the registration form for the Dixie Open being help at Fairfield Plantation on May 13.  It is such a fun tournament and very well run! It is a two-person scramble format and is flighted.  I think we have four or five teams from Canongate/White Oak already.  It would be great to have more!  

2024 Fairfield Dixie Open

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Results for March 19, 3-3-3

Congrats to everyone who braved the cold!

1st  Bev Martin 31.5

2nd  Becky B 32

3rd  Sarah 33

Birdies:  Mary Louise, Karen, Becky B

Chip ins:  Cricket

Birdies: Karen, Becky B
Chip ins: Cricket

Saturday, March 16, 2024

 Maggie Heatherman playing at Hickory Hill with Mid GA

Thursday, March 14, 2024

 Play Day Results March 12, 2024

Karen (+3)
Sharon (-2)
Katie (-4)

Birdies: Jodie, Bok, Karen (2), Katie
Chip in: Janis, Bok, Becky (2), Karen, Katie

If you have not posted yesterday's score please do that asap!