Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Our end-of-year awards and brunch is Tuesday, December 5.  You may begin arriving at 9:30 for a little bit of social time before our meeting begins at 10. The cost of brunch will be $10(cash please).


You may bring a check or cash  for next year's dues ($40). If bringing cash, please put it in an envelope with your name on it.  You can also pay for your mid Ga membership, although I am unsure of the amount!


Thee will be baskets for you to donate money to provide a lunch for the grounds crew as we have done for the last few years as well as a basket for donations to Christian City.


If there is anything else we usually take care of at this time of year that I have forgotten please let me know.


There will be tee times starting at 11:45 for those that want to golf.  I will send out a separate email for sign-ups for that.

Thursday, November 9, 2023

 Hello Ladies!  Please join us in supporting our WOLGA member, April Long and attend her Christmas Design Show & Sale.  There are 3 dates to choose from. Details in the flyer below. See you there!


Wednesday, November 1, 2023

We had our second required CLGA meeting at our last play day yesterday.  Mary Mitchell is stepping down as President next year.  We would like to thank our new President for stepping up to the plate.  Thanks Maggie Heatherman!!


 Play Day Results 10/31

Pick Your Poison:

1st     Bev Martin  (33.5)
2nd    Maggie, Sarah  (35)
3rd     Brenda  (37)

Birdies:  Janis

Our final play day of our 2023 season was a cold one, but somehow we finished!!  Thank you again to Janis for the Halloween treat bag!

Mark your calendar for our end-of-year awards brunch on December 5.  More details concerning time and menu will be sent out on a later date.

Please continue to check our website for information and pictures sent in by members while on golf outings.  Mary Louise recently added some pictures that you won't want to miss!!!    https://clganewnan.blogspot.com

Casual play will continue on Tuesdays for those that want to play.  Next week we will have four tee times beginning at 10:26, but after that our tee times will begin at 10:02.  I will send out a golf genius invite each week so that I can let the pro shop know how many to expect.  Tee sheets will not be sent out during the off-season.

See you soon.
