Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Play Day Results, May 30th, Cat Fight

1st     Susan (+4)
2nd    Janis  (-1)
3rd    Sharon (-3)

Birdie:  Susan
No chip ins for the 3rd week in a row! The next chip in will be a big pay out!!!

Hana won the 50/50

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

 May 23 Play Day Results, PERFECT TEN:

1st   Bev MArtin (33)
2nd  Liz, Mary (37.5)
3rd   Norma (38)

Birdie:  Liz
No Chip ins

Don't forget to let Cricket know if you plan to play in the Handicap Tournament on June 19-20.

Monday, May 22, 2023

White Oak and Canongate ladies played in the Dixie Open at Fairfield Plantation in Villa Rica. First place winners in Flight 2 were Cricket Crenshaw and Becky Bedell. Also playing but not pictured was April Long. 


Wednesday, May 17, 2023

May 16 Play Day Results:

1st-  Cricket (30)
2nd-  Hesper (33.5)
3rd-  Mary (35)

Birdies: Karen, Cricket

No Chip-ins

Well done Ladies!

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

What a great Par 3 Tournament we had today.  A huge thank you to Cricket for organizing everything, and to Becky, Sharon and Janis and Margaret for all of our goodies.  It was a huge success.  

Congrats to all of the winners from our 2023 Par 3 Tournament!

Overall  Champion: Hana

We had four flights and paid out 1st through 3rd place in each:

1st:  Susan, Bok, Mary, Bev Morris
2nd:  Beth, Brenda, Maggie, Norma
3rd:   Janis, Sarah, Marva, Judy

Greenies(GIR): Jodie, Bok, Maggie, Marsha

Mark your calendar.Our next tournament is scheduled for June 19-20. 

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

The 2023 GSWGA Spring Tournament is in the books.  CLGA was well represented, and several members placed in their flights.  We made a lot of great new memories and strengthened friendships.  Susan Clonts ended up in a playoff and she had her own entourage following her on the course and cheering her on!  Scroll down to check out the pictures.  Here are the members that placed.

Susan Clonts - Runner Up Gross Champion

Liz Hanson - 3rd place, Flight 3

Kimmie Wise - 2nd, Flight 4

Mary Louise Hunt - 3rd, Flight 11

Susan's Entourage

Our Winners!


Congratulations to Susan Clonts and Beth Shepard, Champions of the 
2023 GWGA Four-Ball Tournament at Jekyll Island Golf Club. 

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Play Day Results 5/2

The game today was a Cat Fight.

1st   Brenda   +5
2nd   Janis     +4
3rd    Beth       Even

Birdies:  Janis, Brenda
Chip-ins:  Janis (2),  Brenda, Bev Martin

50/50 Pot: Brenda
